Caution: Raging Rivers!

Post date: Apr 26, 2019 6:38:45 PM

We have had a wonderful amount of snow up in the Sierra this year. Thank God, as we have needed it badly. The flowers are blooming as they always do in great water years. Unfortunately, spring runoff also brings danger to people who recreate along our Sierra rivers and streams. Water levels can be high and fast, not to mention the water temperatures are COLD! It can take less than a foot of water to knock the feet out from under an adult--even less for a child. When the water is high, there can be a lot of debris flowing downstream, too. 

All of this spells danger for people along the rivers and streams.

Our team regularly trains with the professional deputies of the Fresno County Sheriff's office to make sure that experts are always available for swift water rescues. We are available 24/7/365 in emergencies. For a look at some of these trainings, please see the links below:

Swift Water Rescue Training Fresno Bee

Water Rescue Training Channel 30

Training in Fresno Canals Fox 26

Swift Water Training Channel 47

Have fun, but be safe!